
The Board of Director for 2020-2021

Tatsuo Oshida (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
Executive Director
Secretary General
Akio Shinohara (University of Miyazaki)
Chief Financial Officer
Naoki Ohnishi (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Editor-in-Chief of Mammal Study
Jun Sato (Fukuyama University)
Editor-in-Chief of Mammalian Science
Yoshikazu Sato (Rakuno Gakuen University)
Chief of Committee of Conservation and Management
Makoto Asano (Gifu University)
Chief of Committee of International Exchange
Masaharu Motokawa (Kyoto University)
Chief of Annual Meeting Planning Committee
Dai Fukui (The University of Tokyo)
Chief of Committee of Public Information
Masatoshi Yasuda (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Masako Izawa (Kitakyushu Museum of Natural history & Human History)
Nobuo Ishi (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
Hiroyuki Uno (Hokkaido Research Organization)
Hideki Endo (The University of Tokyo)
Toru Oi (Ishikawa Prefectural University)
Tatsuo Oshida (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
Koichi Kaji (Wildlife Management Research Center, Hyogo)
Shin-ichiro Kawada (National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo)
Shinsuke Koike (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Takashi Saitoh (Hokkaido University)
Yoshikazu Sato (Rakuno Gakuen University)
Takuya Shimada (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Tsutomu Mano (Hokkaido Research Organization)
Masaharu Motokawa (Kyoto University)
Yasushi Yokohata (University of Toyama)
Yuya Watari (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)
Tokida Kunihiko (Japan Wildlife Research Center)
Fumio Yamada (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute)

Past Organization

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