Mammal Study Award 2023

Shota Murakami, Kimiyuki Tsuchiya, Keisuke Nakata, Mana Nishikata, Kazuhiro Kitada, Hitoshi Suzuki (2022) A kit mutation associated with black-eyed white phenotype in the grey red-backed vole, Myodes rufocanus. Mammal Study 47 (4): 235–247.

 This study explored the mutations responsible for leucism (white-fur phenotype) in the grey red-backed vole Myodes rufocanus by determining the nucleotide sequences of six coat-color-related genes from samples obtained through linkage analyses of a wild leucistic female and her offspring. The authors found the responsible mutation in the Kit gene, a nonsynonymous substitution that causes an amino acid replacement of glycine with arginine at position 604. Clarifying the gene responsible for a particular phenotype can provide highly universal knowledge, which may influence our understanding of not only M. rufocanus but also other mammalian species. In addition to the genetic perspective, the thoughtful study design revealed a relationship between leucism and growth. Overall, we rated this paper highly for its elucidation of a genotype–phenotype relationship in a non-model organism.

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